
våga leva

I'm in a really strange mood.
TOdayyyyyyyyyy, I found out that I failed one of my easiest subjects possible and I felt sad.
I saw a girl crying from the window of my bus.
I wondered why she looked so upset and whether she would be happier later today.
I looked into your eyes and they were so pretty.
Today, you looked sad again and I told you "I hope you feel better soon".
I went to yoga with my dad and brother and laughed at my brother while he did everything wrong.
I ate a fantastic salad out in the sun with 3 lovely people.
Today, I got to talk to a friend with long lovely red hair.
I drank havre-chocolate milk.
I saw two little girls with riding helmets, I laughed a little inside.
I hate horses because they smell.
Today, I feel slightly strange.
I ate a nice quick breakfast with dad.
I don't remember last nights dream.
Today, I feel funny inside.
I liked the way her hair smelt.
I found out I have a summer job.

Today was a relatively good day.

AND EXCUSE ME ANONYMOUS, you make no sense thank you
still in a weird moooooood