
oh mother oh mother

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My brother Alex turned 20 on Tuesday, we went bowling.
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My beautiful mother and my brother Pepe making a face.
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Ate dinner after bowling
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Got bored in business&management 
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Empty cafeteria at Katte
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Woke up early today and did some healty cross training
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And spent most of the day at dad's talking, drinking tea and eating pasta.

This weekend was quite relaxed, spent a lot of time with my lovely dad and exercised a whole lot.

The only down-side was coming home to a mother who doesn't believe what you tell her, even if she's the person you trust most in this world, the only person who you would tell anything to. Mom, believe me, I don't keep secrets from you. I love how much I can trust you, how you're the only person in the world who knows everything. I wouldn't give this up for anything in the world.

Reader, I hope you and your mother have the same relationship me and mom do. If there's a big secret you'd like her to know, tell her. The feeling is unbelievable. 

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