This is my third post today. Not something I often do, but I feel like doing this. So, here's my advent calendar for this year (found @ ) (apart from Mom's chocolate calendar which I got today )- also, since today is the second, I'll post two pictures today.
1. En bild på dig som du själv tycker om. (A picture of you that you like)
I think Ari took this picture at some party. I don't know, this picture sort of amazes me. I can't tell if I was confused, sad, excited or whatever else I was at that time. I also love the way my hair looks. It looks so strange, somehow floating and at the same time frozen in time. And how I'm grabbing tightly onto my vest and the way my other hand is simply there. I don't know how this picture even happened.
2. En bild på dig hemma. (A picture of you at home)
A picture of me last year I think. This was taken in my room, where I had just put a bunch of things up on the wall. I also remember having bought those socks and the polka tights and wanting to wear them all the time.
I don't have any pictures of me at our new apartment, so this one had to do.