Three of them were wearing parkas of the same greenish color.
I was a little confused.
First of all, because parkas are not warm and it was freezing. (Or well, I was)
Second of all, they looked a little odd; all dressed the same. I mean the other one must have felt a little out of place, wearing an unimportant black jacket.
Otherwise, the day has been rather uneventful.
I woke up by the sound of bells that was F's alarm and got up to brush my teeth.
It was rainy and I felt like I had not slept much.
I brushed my teeth and got dressed.
"I have to go now" I told her and woke her up.
She wrapped some knackebröd in a napkin because I'd get hungry after the dentist.
I love it when people show affection in the smallest of things.
I went to the dentist.
My face felt funny till about 4 pm.
And then I ran.
And then I ate pizza.
And now I'm here.