As the years go by
And so the years begin to go by so unbelievably fast. And we sit there talking about how maybe it was just because that last year of school was rough. I, on the other hand, think we're lying to ourselves. The years are going by faster and faster and time is not on our side.
And so we learn from our mistakes, we begin to control our bodies and minds, all together, as a whole, even when we drink and when we smoke, we've matured really.
And its sad really because my favorite age is over and I'll never get it back.
And all the coming years? For that we're not ready. But time is already ahead of us.
And we won't catch up.
Here it is, Sofia, aged 18, with a cold, a blocked nose, a sore throat, off to read 1984, hanging with my Strepsil babes, cause mom said they were "antibacterial".
TALK ABOUT FUN FRIDAY NIGHT (although 1984 is really something).
/sick s
ps. i still love christmas
From Vegetarianism: Wiki
"To produce milk from dairy cattle, calves are separated from their mothers soon after birth and slaughtered or fed milk replacer in order to retain the cows milk for human consumption.[126] Vegans state that this breaks the natural mother and calf bond.[126] Unwanted male calves are either slaughtered at birth or sent for veal production.[126] To prolong lactation, dairy cows are almost permanently kept pregnant throughartificial insemination.[126] After about five years, once the cows milk production has dropped, they are considered "spent" and sent to slaughter for hamburger meat and their hides. A dairy cow's natural life expectancy is about twenty years.[125]
things n. unknown
2. I feel just fine
3. Suits
4. New year plans
5. Why does everyone want to do that?
6. Hand mirror
7. Accept yourself as you are
8. Where have you been hiding?
9. I might be a little jealous,
10. No I am not.
11. We did quite like eachother at first
12. Seemed friends and all
13. Time is so relative, time does not exist
14. Time is man made
15. Drivers license
16. That which we call a rose, by an other name would smell as sweet
glass bambu
i really do laugh as i write this.
not writing that bloody personal statment is not gonna get me anywhere nearer to going to university next year.
hahahaha im so ridiculously useless sometimes
det blir:
Surrey (Guildford)
(please be excited)
(ok good)
whats up with the parkas, boys?
Become aware
Don't you see I have finally decided to stop biting my nails and your
complaints make me put my hands in my mouth and then I have to tell myself, no sofia, no, you're done with this?
I have bitten my nails for as long as I can remember and it's about bloody time I stopped. So please don't make my job any harder
Also, yes, I think "wow yeah shes weird and unreasonable".
But so are you at times.
On a more positive note we have the fact that tomorrow is / today is December first. The beginning of the last month of this long but also strangely short year. "Do the years go by faster as you grow older?" "Yes. But there's nothing you can do about it"
PS2. Still a lovely saturday night.
twenty-ninth of november of two-thousand and thirteen
And so she created her own world.
A world where every wanting-thought of hers was real.
His curls and his heavy beats; the way he swayed as his music played.
His fingers, turning the different buttons and controls, oh so beautiful.
And his dark clothing and shy ways.
In this world,
it was all hers.
She could pick anything she ever desired and have it right there.
Everything she ever wanted to do but didn't was made possible.
Always happy, always proud of what she did and had.
No waste of time, no, never. It was all so fucking perfect.
And it all seemed so real, maybe that was the problem.
The swaying, the way his body truly followed the music.
How could someone's movements be so captivating?
Too bad she always woke up.
so very well done
never thought i'd find twerking acceptable
but i think i do, in this video
she hit the right spot
Why'd you only
and nice nights
and so everything is plainly just nice
I tend to write more when I'm feeling more than just nice,
so I don't know what I entirely prefer
To feel great but to write less,
or to feel too much and write much more
I have so many books to read its overwhelming
I have run out of tea
Dad's in India and I miss him
Otherwise everything is as good as it gets
Sweden, with good opportunities
Sweden, with Stadsparken in the autumn
Sweden, with the buses that are the perfect place to read
Sweden, with cozy candle lit friday movie nights
Sweden, with the fact that I walk home at 4 in the morning and nothing happens
Sweden, with the dentist sending me a letter twice a year to see me and tell me I need to floss
Sweden, with the men who push the strollers
Sweden, with summer festivals
Sweden, with getting so drunk you can barely see
Sweden, with top rated free universities
Sweden, with nice people
Sweden, with all the bikes
Sweden, with her, and her, and her, and him and others
Sweden, with the people who believe it's truly bad here
Sweden, with Malmö
Sweden, with Valborg in Lund
Sweden, with the julmust and the cozy Christmas times
Sweden, with getting money for going to school, for becoming better
Sweden, with my family
Sweden, with love
And im sorry, but the cake thing was just too funny. I mean yes, he should have the right to express his opinions, but was he really ATTACKED!? No. And no, Sweden is not unsafe because a politician gets a little cake on his face.
To write
I have heard them all before
or read them, otherwise how could I write?
How would all of this make any sense at all?
But at the same time there are so many phrases that have never been said
So many stories that have never been written down
So many ideas and thoughts that have not been put on a computer screen
or a piece of paper
Because the possibilities really are endless
GIRLS: Natalie
GIRLS: Kalimera
The cold was slowly creeping in through her glove-less fingers, up the sleeves of her flimsy jacket and around every little strand of hair on her now shivering arms. "Okay, don't think about the shivering: stop shivering! Don't think about how cold it is. Relax, it's not cold, it's not that cold, I'm not cold. The bus will be here soon. It's not cold, I'm not cold" she thought over and over again. Cecilia was unlucky enough to not wear a proper jacket the first cold winter day that year. But on the other hand, she had always been the type to underestimate the weather and was more or less used to this type of uncomfortably cold situations. Cecilia would deny the winter every year, telling people that she would not wear a winter jacket until fully necessary, meaning that she froze though October and half way through November. And even then, when she finally took out her winter coat, she would forget her gloves, or leave her scarf at home with the excuse that it wasn't even cold- at minus something degrees. This meant that she always had a bit of a cold through every winter she could remember, except for the ones she spent in warmer countries.
The bus was late; a good ten minutes late, which was strange given the day and time. The 21 was almost always empty on Monday nights and it wasn't snowing or raining which sometimes led to the buses not being on time. Cecilia knew the driver, it was always the same man driving this route: a fifty-something bearded Greek male who always had an annoyed look on his face, but was actually very kind and friendly. Every time she took the 21, he would greet Cecilia as she beeped her monthly card against the machine and stepped in onto the warm bus. She always answered with the only Greek word she knew: "Kalimera!"-even if it meant good morning and it was night time.
To accept and to understand
You see the thing is
You say that i'm immature because i get angry at You
yes i will get angry at You when you make homophobic remarks
and expect me to "accept Your point of view"
i will not accept Your homophobic remarks
i understand Your preocupation and Your way of thinking, but i cant accept it
society has not gotten this far because people have just accepted their horrible realities
segregation and racism due to skin color has changed and improved due to people not accepting the way in which they were/are treated
people should not accept the fact that some are being treated differently because of their sexuality: we all are after all only human fucking beings
GIRLS: The beginning
for something i've never had
in fact for something i don't actually know
today is filled with arctic monkeys on repeat
did i make any mistakes?
probably not, maybe, yes
people see things differently, people make their own minds up about what is correct
and what is not
Drunken red blue eyes. Beautiful, tired and lost gazes. Blushed cheeks. Dark jeans, dark jackets, fancy shirts and gloves. The bittersweet smell of cigarettes and cologne. The stink of beer and strong spirits. The hilarious ignored conversations. The distanced looks through the train windows, longing for home, for undressing the dark and dirty clothes and finally sleeping it that warm, known bed.
dogs and bones
well the fact that you are very nice indeed
that i was mistaken about you
that maybe it wasn't surprising, but more or less relieving
to know how things actually have been
im tired and i feel like staying in bed all day
but also seeing you
and you
and you
but one cant see everyone all the time everyday, now can one?
i hope you have a nice saturday
red lips and brows
I recently found out I actually have natural eyebrows and have stop harassing them with my tweezers. They feel better, they thank me. Its 2013 guys, leave them brows alone, like that song says "leave them kids alone".
Now to find a good recipe to work with those amazing chantarelles in the fridge.
The same old strange feeling of my chest being wide wide open.
Not to be confused with a lonely feeling or an empty one.
It's different, definitely different.
Unexplainable might be the right word. Is that even a word?
The word-check says it isn't.
"Whatever", you say.
Whatever what?
Why are people always looking for concrete answers,
when they know that nothing that will ever come out of an individuals lips
will ever be as concrete as the thoughts they think and that these thoughts will never be
explained the right way, no matter how hard one might try?
"Give up", I should say.
"The closest you will ever get to knowing anything about me, anything at all, is to try to read between the lines ("which is not very far, by the way"),
but will you ever feel the pain that I feel as I write? What pain? Oh, the pain in my hand mostly,
But the pain of really not being able to explain what I really feel too".... "Of course you won't, you never will".
Nothing makes sense nowadays, and "being" one year older really will not help. Thank you very much.
Being older and being wiser do not go hand in hand. The older I get, the more confused I am about everything and everyone. "Well done"- I say to myself.
And then I woke up not knowing where I was and with this blue thing wrapped around my wrist. Now it's swollen and it hurts if not over my heart. And these white stickers which had the purpose of keeping my heartbeat and pumping weird stuff into my system won't come off. A funny experience I should say.
I should stop writing and take a pain-killer. My hand hurts.
October, October, such an interesting month.
Do I wanna know____?
The faint pink color from the screen hits my room and my clothes and its melancholic.
I love october. Yesterday I was at a loud concert with loud music and good looking danes, I should move to copenhagen and kiss danish boys.
Today I was with her and we walked around in a cold malmö and talked about life and men and boys and us. And places, where we might one day go. Hopefully together.
And so tomorrow I will wake up and drink two cups of tea for breakfast and shower at 5 in the morning. All day spent at the hospital. Excitedly nervous.
Friday I just dont know and october is a peculiar month and I wish I was in love.
tuc tuc
dark blonde
my face today
As I sit here, in my living room, on a rather unconformable chair, I have lived 6556 days. This what I look like on my 6556th living day, fresh from the first selfies ever taken on my new laptop.
Things are ok but I need to get through my very first play analysis and it really isnt the easiest thing ever. Although I must admit I've done worse and this is actually kind of fun, but nothing like the useless format writing I did last year.......
Now that i think about it, do I even look like the person who writes the stuff on here?
Ollé is not a poem
And the cold is starting to rush in
Finally down to my spine
Past every vain, every thought
Every feeling ever involved
Every person ever so close
Wishing in vain
Of you?
Of us?
Of everything I ever thought of?
She denied it all again.
I have a problem.
And its quite problematic.
They mess me up because I take too long to finish them. And then I sit here wondering what to do because that tiny little world I had for so long is finished; it will never be anything more after that last read page.
things i need to do
get my shit together
get my shit together
get my shit together
basics 2.0:
get over myself
buy course literature
stop spending so much fucking money
get my shit together
buy a bookshelf
stop spending money
go work out
read my course literature
stop fucking people over
stop letting people fuck me over
get over myself once more
maybe find a fucking job
basics 2.01 deluxe version:
have a job
have my shit together
pass my courses
have money and not spend it on only expensive food
be a nice person
sleep properly
basics 3.0 final golden deluxe version:
get over yourself goddamn it
Train stations in the early morning
I don't think I have ever been as confused as I am at this point in my ridiculously short life. My emotions and thoughts vary so greatly from one hour to the next and I feel like I can't handle my own mind anymore.
The thoughts about everything being a simple but yet complicated creation of mine are scary and rather recurring. The "what if?" doesn't seem to dissolve in my sea of broken thoughts, thoughts that seem to have a mind of their own and don't care about the fact that sometimes I feel like I can't grasp reality, at all. What does that even mean, to grasp reality?
Does everyone feel this way? Does everyone reach this point in their lives, where they realise how complicated it is to even begin to understand their own mind?
Is the only way to be with you to sleep and hope to dream of better choices and better times? Probably. It does seem to work. It makes it easier to cope with all this bullshit.
Life's good otherwise.
Summer updates
You wake up at 11 not knowing where you are. His parents bedroom, OK. How did you get here? A big blur after that one extra shot. You get up, fix your T-shirt that you somehow put on backwards last night. Who's still here? -you wonder. Where is everyone? Did they leave? And oh god, you smoked far too many cigarettes last night. Your lungs feel heavy and it hurts to breathe. You cough and walk out of the room and find the bathroom. Well you're in one piece but your entire body hurts and you're missing every thought that went through your head after the tequila. Is this how you want your days to be?
Headaches and heartaches
Have you ever thought about how different headaches can feel? The ache that you feel the morning after a night with too many drinks and cheap vodka shots is so different to the pain that fills your entire head because they made you cry a little too much this time, because it actually did hurt. The way it burns all around your mind, filling each thought with even more pain. It aches so much that you can almost feel every little brain cell turning and turning around searching for a place inside your head where this pain ceases to exist. But you cried too many tears and there is no place for them to escape the excruciating pain. The ache stays till you finally decide to fall asleep and enter the endless world of your own mind, where maybe, but just maybe, you might be treated a little better.
I wish I could write a book. I wish could write down all the ideas and thoughts that on daily basis excitedly jump around in my head and asked to be written down.
And then I always get afraid. Afraid that I might forget one great idea and simply not be able to think about it again.
Why don't I just do it, I tell myself right now.
My head
I miss you, how are you? I hope everything's well. I somehow feel like being in your arms once again, before all of this happened. I know its a selfish thought, but its also completely unrealistic and slightly sickening; not because of you but because of what I have done to myself and my morals. She is right after all. I am only hurting myself, mutilating my own self respect, if it even exists.
I wish there was someone who could truly understand, maybe you were the only one.
How can I begin to explain how much everything has changed since the last time I wrote on here?
Exams hadn't ended, Spain hadn't happened, we hadn't had prom and I was officially still in high school.
I don't know what to write.
Things are nicely different, dad's a real douche, I've missed my brother and I wish she wasn't so fucking annoying.
a screenshot
11 months ago on my tumblr
where did you go? i dont remember the last time i saw your eyes grow smaller
The first summer
MM #2
will i have to sit at home and wonder how warm the sea is and how amazing the food is?
fucking passports pieces of shit
goddamn it
Inexplicable face
and the illusions that twirl around the mind of mine
Me and you
and the loud music that tries to cover the drilling noises upstairs
Me and you
and all of the bodies I talk to
Me and you
and the girl of my dreams, the one with the inexplicable face
Me and you
and the music that is impossible to not move to
Me and you
and the mixture of clean and dirty clothes in the old white wardrobe
Me and you
and the wait for those days to come, 10 was it?
Me and you
and biking on that rusty red bike and always hoping it won't get stolen
Me and you
and how people ask what i'm knitting but i'm really just knitting
Me and you
and nothing else i suppose
What do you do, when you are almost certain you have fallen in love with someone who you have never seen in real life, only in pictures and in that dream last night? When it feels like you actually met her and she was secretly crazy about you, too?
This is ridiculously strange. I can feel the need to see her again, tonight, when I fall asleep, my chest feeling as it does when I'm nervous, filled with a sensation that cannot be written in words, but only felt. It's taking me over.
4. The toast
it is depressing
i mean, the fact that i bite them and
that they dont grow "straight", if you know what i mean...
it just makes it all worse
like they arent quite flat,
they're more like rough and edgy
ohhh does that even make sense....
nevertheless, i painted them and
it was a catastrophe on my right hand...
and it looks more or less decent on the left hand
i mean i guess its good i didnt use a bright color
so it doesnt show how bad it is
seriously dont look at my nails
oh thank goodness that your parents didnt send you away to a crazy people's home
oh thank god your house didnt light up on fire and you're now living on the streets
oh thank god you didnt run away
oh thank goodness you werent locked up in the basement by ella going crazy-human-dog.
oh thank goodness youre okay
green energy
this of course does not mean that i do not like these days, that begin with me trying to get out of bed by 8 o'clock to fix my sleeping schedule before exams, even if i start at 11 that day.
then i eat a healthy breakfast, because i cant just keep eating that LIDL granola that has 400 calories per serving even if it's really tasty. i mean, you want to fit into a nice prom dress without looking like a whale pregnant with tripplets, right sofia? drop the tasty LIDL granola. anyways..
then there's school and the boring lessons with teachers that no longer care if you learn the last bits of information before exams, or are really stressed out because every single student in the class seems to be a complete retard.
then there's the nice moments in school where we talk about prom, and our planned trip to spain, and our dresses, and the truck and just about how amazing it will all be so unbelievably soon.
school finishes and i come home, put my hair in a bun, put my yoga pants on and eat a snack while watching some crappy 4o'clock swedish tv show.
i usually go and sleep for an hour and then get up to eat dinner, then i study till its bed time (or not and go to bed thinking "wtf sofia its 20 days till exams, get your shit togetheeeeeeeeeeeer").
its quite nice isn't it?
death in a tube
before i lose all the little readers that i have.
so im thinking that i should not have put handcream on my dry dry hands,
now they sting and im having some sort of reaction to the handcream.
so im thinking i really miss him,
mom is a real bitch because she didnt let me sneak out and sleep at his place instead.
so im thinking whether i will actually manage to stay off facebook this time,
i've deactivated it like 5 times before and i dont last more than one week.
so im thinking my hands are still stinging,
now i have red dots on them.
so im thinking exams are in 30 days and shit is going down,
and then we'll be in spain and i'll get a tan and life will just be so much better.
so im thinking i really really miss him,
and yes, mom you're mean, i could be petting old ella right now in his big cold house.
so im thinking i should make some tea, move my desk to where i can actually sit
and start studying again.
so im thinking, where the hell did we buy that handcream?
it was death in a tube.
puss hej
I dont know, I've been quite happy lately, or well, simply not sad or melancholic like I usually am at least once or twice a week.
I have been very tired and it sucks to say I am still recovering from the flu I had almost two weeks ago.
I need to start going to the gym again and get my routines together. I'm thinking of taking a class tomorrow evening and from there try to slowly get myself back on track. I mean, I'm going to spain in about 60 days..... Cant quite walk around at the beach in thunder tighs and a huge belly now can we!! Oh I wish I wasn't so pressured by todays ideals....................... #fish
I need routine
and I should actually follow the routines I set up
moving pictures like in harry potter, yes they were just gifs
I'm chewing gum and listening to my amazing piano playlist
that never gets old because clasical music simply sounds different everytime
and its just so great to be able to listen to songs over and over again
because they're amazing
I borrowed mom's lamp and it was just infront of my webcam and
I guess you wonder why I take pictures like this
Well because when I grow old and wrinkly
I want to be able to see how unproductive and young I was
and how for some reason I wrote down my days
and took pictures of what I was going instead of homework.
Thats why, so don't go around thinking what is wrong with sofia, seriously who does that?- it's more like, why aren't you doing it too? #yolo
Today I ate popcorn for lunch.
Today I have to do work work work work.
And tomorrow I have to do work work work.
And guess what? The day after too, work work work.
This is really last minute. What the actual fuck sofia, what the fuck.
converse with me
not afraid
She lies half naked in her big white bed. The air in the room doesn't feel so clean, it even feels a little moist. It must be because the radiator is on the warmest level- she thinks and turns it down.
The city isnt as loud as it usually is, it must be the hour of the night. She hears a couple of cars go by every other minute, instead of the constant noise that there is at any other point of the day. The strong wind is the one being noisy tonight.
She feels lonely. Something she hadn't felt in a while. When was the last time I felt like this?- she thinks.
The bleeding starts again, but luckily she manages to stop that one single drop of blood from falling onto her bed from her face as she sits up after feeling blood running down her throat.
Does that make sense?
She still feels lonely, even after running to the bathroom shirtless, covered in blood, cleaning up her face after her nosebleed and then finally getting back into bed. And for some reason, tonight, out of all nights, no one was talking. Or some did but then left her in her growing loneliness. I hope this feeling goes away when I wake up- she thinks.
My favorite person
making faces
Totally not impressed by this halsfluss that has bothered me for 3 days now. Whatever you are, virus or bacteria, please leave the premises of my lovely tonsils that were perfectly fine before you came along. Now if you'll excuse me, I have better things to do than suffer talking, swallowing my own saliva and drinking water. Those better things to include a humongous pile of assignments that seem to never end.
sista februari
I've been drinking lots of water as I stay up late, till around 2 or 3 in the morning writing math words I don't quite understand.
I've been sleeping a maximum of 5 hours per night and then coming home from school and sleeping 3 hours more.
I've been doing Metros Sudoku on the train and even as I walk, trying to finish the last numbers, while listening to my spring spotify playlist, although it's march tomorrow and this winter will last at least another month.
I still hate when people smell bad and try to cover it up with strong perfumes and cheap deodorant. Or when I have to sit behind a girl with far too much perfume.
I was at the dentist today, she told me I had brush my teeth well but that I needed to use flux and floss more often. Today I bought flux, a new tooth brush, tooth paste and dental floss for about 150 kronor.
I sold a microwave for 250 kronor to my dad last weekend. We had an extra one and money is nice to have. However, mom wasn't too happy when she found out. "They cost 500 kronor Sofia *ugh-face*".
I should go back to my lovely math assignment. I've spent so much time on it these past few days that I feel strangely close to it..............
pallar inte matte
will it really be over tomorrow??????? do i have have the power to finish it?